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四 臂 觀 音 佛 像

銅 / 半鎏金 /手工 / 尼泊爾 / 含國內運費
高度 12 吋 / 重量 3360 公克


此優惠專區為平均15-20 年早期收藏的佛像。每尊佛像皆有不同程度的不完美,其中可能包括臉部泥金因時間而變得沒那麼亮,或是有點損傷等等,我們將瑕疵的部分如實上傳。這些早期的佛像來自尼泊爾的老工匠,銅身厚實、銅質溫潤,鎏金的部分也沒有因為時間而褪色,名揚將以優惠價格待尋有緣人。




Chenresi/Chenrezig Statue
Copper Partly Gold Gilted / Handmade / Nepal

Including Domestic Post
H 12 inches (29x20 cm) / NW 3.3 kgs


His two front hands are in a devotional gesture, clasped in front of his jewel-draped heart.  His upper right hand holds his special symbol, a crystal akshamala, or rosary, symbol of the never-ending cycle.  While his left hand holds a white lotus, signifying that he frees the sentient beings from the muddy waters of suffering and hellish realms to the pure states of enlightenment.  He is draped in silk garments, both legs in the "diamond pose" of mediation, and seated on a row of lotus petals.


Most statues in this area have different level of "imperfections" including the gold on the face part is not as bright like the new. The vintage look is natural and definitely the early works of the statue masters which can hardly be found today but only in old shops like Ming Yang. We offer service of new face painting as some may prefer, but due to consistent loaded works on hand, this will take about a month, and an additional pay of NTD5,000 to 7,000 depending on the size, from 28 cm to 40 cm, will use 99.99 pure gold powder for painting the face. This painting charge amount all goes to the master painter. We have posted the damaged part as shown in the picture, and considered a very special price to interested collectors. Welcome for appointments if you need to take a closer vivid look of these statues. 

四臂觀音 銅 半鎏金 手工 12" (29cm)

NT$20,000 一般價格
    +886-(0)4-2313-6185  |  +886 912-686-878
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