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Nado Incense Sticks Orange

Sticks about 27-35 sticks per roll

22cm per stick 




13束=3,100元 (含國內運費)



Guaranteed from the original source or money back.





納豆牌香品是嚴格按照古代佛經製作。它控制著材料的使用和製作香的方法。經典要求Kriya密續或無肉或酒精成分製成的香與允許使用更多成分的Upa密續分開。納豆香的配方包括花、樹皮、木材、樹葉、水果和根。大多數產品使用約40種成分,而一些特殊的儀式香使用108種天然成分,對佛教徒來說這是吉祥數字。許多天然產品使用生長在喜馬拉雅山 4000 米以上。犛牛牧民在山上和下山尋找夏季和冬季牧場以及永久居住在偏遠喜馬拉雅山高處的家庭時,他們會進行採集。


香的主要成分包括檀香、丁香、紅檀香、荳蔻、藏紅花、肉荳蔻、沉香、純蜂蜜、蔗糖、羅布斯塔咖啡、甘松属植物、香樟和杜松粉。對這些還添加了廣泛不丹草藥和植物具有藥用和熏蒸功效。 香由多種草藥成分組成,還具有強大的治療價值。它可以用於芳香療法,以放鬆身體和平靜心靈。它有助於滋養和穩定人類的身心組成。香的香氣刺激感官,打開經絡,調動生命之氣,釋放內心的幸福。


Nado incense products are made in strict accordance to ancient Buddhist scripture. It governs the materials use and the method by which sticks are made. The scriptures require to separate Kriya tantra or incense made with no meat or alcoholic ingredients from Upa tantra which allows to use a far greater array of ingredients. Nado incense recipes incorporate flowers, bark, wood, leaves, fruit, and roots. Most of products use around 40 ingredients whilst some of the special ceremonial incense uses 108 natural ingredients, an auspicious number to Buddhists. Many of the natural products use grow at more than 4000 m in the Himalayas. Collecting is undertaken by yak herders as they move their herds up and down the mountains searching for summer and winter pastures as well as families who live permanently high in the remote Himalayas. The main ingredients of the incense include sandalwood, clove, red sandal, elletaria cardmomum, saffron, nutmeg, aquilaria agallocha, pure honey, cane sugar, shorea robusta, nandostachys jatamansi, cinnamomum camphora and juniper powder. To these are also added a wide range of other Bhutanese herbs and plants with medicinal and fumigating power. Composed of a wide range of herbal ingredients, incense also has a powerful therapeutic value. It can be used in aroma-therapy to relax the body and calm the mind. It helps nourish and stabilize the psycho-somatic composition of the human being. The aroma of the incense stimulates the senses to unlock the energy channels, mobilize vital air, and release internal bliss.

納豆牌 橘色 8.7" (22cm) 一束

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