四 臂 觀 音 佛 像
銅 / 鎏金鎏銀 /手工 / 尼泊爾 / 含國內運費
高度 12 吋 / 重量 3800g
Chenresi Statue
Copper with Silver Gold Gilted and CarvingIncluding Domestic Post
H 12 inches (30.5x23 cm) / NW 3.8 kgs
His two front hands are in a devotional gesture, clasped in front of his jewel-draped heart. His upper right hand holds his special symbol, a crystal akshamala, or rosary, symbol of the never-ending cycle. While his left hand holds a white lotus, signifying that he frees the sentient beings from the muddy waters of suffering and hellish realms to the pure states of enlightenment. He is draped in silk garments, both legs in the "diamond pose" of mediation, and seated on a row of lotus petals.
四臂觀音 銅 鎏金鎏銀 手工 12" (30.5cm)
NT$60,000 一般價格