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🕉  尼泊爾/沒有雜物

      Gugul Guggul Gugula Incense
🕉  about 1000grams per pack
🕉 一包2,000元(含國內運費)
🕉 一次買3包送1包







乃波羅樹脂,代表一切樹木花草最上之精華,亦視其為辟邪之香。在佛教中是常見之用香,可用於準提鏡之開光、供養金剛明王之用。安息香,又稱『拙具羅香』,在《千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經》中提到:「此觀世音菩薩,所說神咒,真實不虛。若欲請菩薩來,咒拙具羅香 (安息香)三七遍燒,菩薩即來。


*可直接加入煙供粉中或火供用。香塊輕敲可碎, 煙供每次加少許即可。



Nepal resin represents the finest essence of all trees, flowers, and plants and is also considered a protective incense. In Buddhism, it is commonly used for consecration ceremonies, offerings to Vajra Guardians, and other rituals. This incense is mentioned in the Sutra of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva which states, "The mantras spoken by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva are true. If you wish to invite the Bodhisattva, burn this incense seven times, and the Bodhisattva will come."


*It can be directly added to powdered incense or used as an offering in fire rituals. The incense can be crushed easily. When using it for smoke offerings, add a small amount each time.

安息香 黑香 拙具羅香 1Kg

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