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四臂紅觀音 唐卡




Chenresi Shakti Tanka


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A red-bodied Chenrezig with a consort likely represents a specific tantric form known as Gyalwa Gyatso (རྒྱལ་བ་རྒྱ་མཚོ།), also called the "Ocean of Victorious Ones." In this form, Chenrezig manifests as a red, wrathful or semi-wrathful deity, symbolizing the intense, transformative aspect of compassion. His red color embodies powerful, active compassion that cuts through obstacles to liberation, and is also associated with Amitabha Buddha, from whom Chenrezig is considered an emanation.


In this depiction, Gyalwa Gyatso often appears in union with a consort, symbolizing the union of compassion and wisdom in an intensified, dynamic form. This consort is often Vajrayogini or another enlightened dakini, embodying wisdom and the feminine energy that complements Chenrezig's compassionate power. Together, they represent a higher, transformative compassion aimed at removing obstacles to enlightenment for all beings.

唐卡 四臂紅觀音 Chenresi Shakti Tanka

NT$18,000 一般價格
    +886-(0)4-2313-6185  |  +886 912-686-878
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