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🕉 不丹 納豆牌香粉/煙供粉(原廠)
      Nado Incense Powder
🕉  about 250grams per pack
🕉 一包300元(含國內運費)
🕉 一次買10包送2包



Guaranteed from the original source or money back.







This offering fragrance to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas has been prepared in accordance with the instructions found in the treasure texts of Guru Rinpoche and commentaries of Kuenkhyan Mipham. The Process of compounding and the ingreidients stand in harmony with that of all indiscriminate sects. 


It contains essential herbal ingredients for both kriya and Upa practices. Medical compound required for filling up statues, necessary elements needed for the purification ceremonies and to other fragrance offerings. 



香粉 香末 煙供粉 Nado Incense Powder 250g

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